viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018

The duff

Resultado de imagen para the duffThe comedy film called “the duff” shows the bulling that we managed in schools. The movie show how the cyber bulling is present and the tags we put on people, in this case the principal character is designated the ugly fat friend (d.u.f.f)
To begging with this film is perfectly done with amazing special effects, also it include all the new technology and how this affect in our life. Firstly the special effects were in the right moment and when the movie need it. Secondly the film use the social networks to make us realize how aggressive we are sometimes in them.
In my view the best aspect of the film is that no matter what people say about as if we are sure of ourselves we will be right and the most important thing is to listen to the people we love and love us.
To conclude I will strongly encourage not to miss this film.

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018


In the Thinking Skills class we watched a documentary called "On the way to school" and then, in groups, we created a video providing information about education in India and we debated some quotes.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018

¿Sos consciente del impacto que dejas en el ambiente?

En la clase de A.D.S (ambiente de desarrollo y salud) tuvimos que, a base de lo explicado en clase, investigar sobre el ambiente , sus actores y factores y realizar una presentación.

Juntos es mas facil

En la clase de ambiente desarrollo y salud estuvimos viendo la contaminación del medio ambiente y hacer un mapa conceptual a partir de un vídeo

A continuación el mapa conceptual: