Nowadays it
is common seeing people driving cars. In fact you look through the window and
everything you can see are cars. We can solve this problem. It is an issue of
education and investment.
If we talk
about education we can say that the government has to find the way to explain
people how to use publics transport, due to the fact has no idea how to use it
and maybe they are afraid to commit a mistake. Another way is explain people
the security measures they have to take and in this way nothing could happen.
solution could be investing money in the public transport better. One good
investion is making more of them, the more the better, this could be a good
solution. The second option, is to make an investment in performing the
transports, if they are more attractive and comfortable people will like to
travel in them.
To conclude
the excess of cars in the street will bring problems in a future. It is really important
to start solving it, with taking in account this two solutions to solve it
(Invest and more education).